: How to Join Heli-Vets

The Vietnam Helicopter Veterans Base Camp

How to Join Heli-Vets

Heli-Vets is open to Vietnam Veterans of all services who were pilots or crew members of helicopters in Vietnam.

Heli-Vets is free of charge
Heli-Vets has a on line Discussion Group open to everyone
Heli-Vets will try to provide information to anyone with questions about helicopters in Vietnam
Heli-Vets wants to document our history in a truthful way

Some special List Server considerations:

If you become a member of the list server you can receive over 100 e-mail messages a day

The Heli-Vets List Server only provides Digest for special cases and members are expected to be active participants of the listserv

Heli-Vets does not believe in censorship and some messages may contain material not suited for small children or others with a delicate nature

A special note for "Wann-a-be's"

We don't want you here! We have no way to check your papers and we rely on the honesty of our members. Just remember we have aviation people from all services and many countries. We have the names of the prisoners of war and Medal of Honor winners. Don't try to bluff your way in here with a bunch of B.S. because you will be smelled out for what you are.

To become a Member of the Heli-Vets List Server Please enter the following information. Fileds marked with * are required.

First name*: Last name*: Nickname(optional):
Email Address*: Confirm Email*:

list your tours as a helicopter crewman*
TourUnit FromToLocationCall sign

What was your job in VietNam*:

    Pilot Flight School class number:
    Medic on Flight Status
    Other please specify your job:

The following information is desired, but not required.

Date of birth:

Please include a short bio to be sent to the members:
City: State: Zip code: -
Memberships:VHPA: VHCMA: VHFCN:

Jerry Feldman
Last modified: Sat April 4 15:55:00 EDT 2007