Heli-vets is restricted to men who served as helicopter crewmen in Viet Nam.

Helicopter crews are like no other group. We all have earned the
right to "walk the walk" and thus to 'talk the talk." We want you to liken
logging on this net like walking into the Club or back in some
quiet corner of the hanger after a tough day. This is a forum where
only your fellow crewmembers fully understand and appreciate
what's on your mind. If you tried this down at the corner bar or
with a group of your "civilian" friends, they either wouldn't
understand what you were talking about OR they simply wouldn't
believe you. This is YOUR place. We speak your language.

We hope that thru this forum truth may overcome lies. Where once
young and proud sky warriors will again meet their Brothers of
that bygone era. Where our old eyes may become bright, young and
innocent again as we recount our history as only we know it.

Where we can mourn and honor those who answered the call and
gave their all.

This place is your place, it is my place.

Welcome Home!