Every effort will be made to keep reunion information posted to this page. However, considering the
vast numbers of helicopter units that served in Vietnam it is a grand undertaking. This is your site, it is for your information, so when you know of a reunion that is not posted here please email the webmaster so that it can be added.
VHPA (VIETNAM HELICOPTER PILOTS ASSOCIATION) 22nd NATIONAL ANNUAL REUNION will be held July 2-6, 2005 at the San Francisco Marriott, San Francisco, CA.
more information
VHCMA (VIETNAM HELICOPTER CREWMEMBERS ASSOCIATION) 8th ANNUAL REUNION will be held June 22-26, 2005 at the Hilton San Antonio Airport, San Antonio, Texas.
more information
Heli-Vets is an online forum of Helicopter Veterans of the Vietnam War
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